AMS Wins MassCEC AmplifyMass Grant


We are delighted to be selected for an award under MassCEC’s AmplifyMass program. With technical support from JASCO Applied Sciences Canada, a leader in acoustic modelling, field measurements, impact assessment and stakeholder liaison services to the energy sector, we proposed developing a low-cost, mobile, autonomous, whale detection and alerting system to enable offshore wind development. The grant from MassCEC will fund the design, fabrication and testing of a Datamaran deployed Passive Acoustic Monitoring system. A trial will be conducted in an area where whales are frequently present many miles offshore Boston. It will test the capability of the system to detect and identify species of interest. In addition, it will endeavor to demonstrate near real-time alerting of the presence of marine mammals via a broadcast message. A successful project will be invaluable in enabling cost-effective development of offshore wind while keeping sensitive species from harm. A true win-win for the Commonwealth and the environment!

Ravi Paintal